Dr. Dre attends dedication ceremony at USC Iovine and Young Hall on October 02, 2019 in Los Angeles, California.

Dr. Dre Helps Break Ground On New $200 Mil Campus for Compton High School

Dr. Dre Helps Break Ground On New $200 Mil Campus for Compton High School

Published Tue, May 10, 2022 at 10:30 AM EDT

Dr. Dre, whose real name is Andre Young, joined school and community leaders over the weekend to break ground on a new  $200 million campus for Compton High School. Dre donated $10 million toward a performing arts center on the campus which seats more than 900 people and will be called “Andre 'Dr. Dre’ Young Performing Arts Center,” according to the Compton Unified School District.

“I was an artistic kid in school with no outlet for it," Dre said Saturday at the groundbreaking ceremony. “I knew that I had something special to offer the world, but with nothing to support my gift, school left me feeling unseen."

The Los Angeles Times reported in 2015 that Dr. Dre would donate his royalties from his Compton album to the performing arts center. At the time Dre told DJ ZaneLow in an interview that he'd been planning the donation for years. "I've been really trying to do something special for Compton and just couldn't quite figure out what it was. Mayor Aja Brown actually had this idea and she was already in the process of working on it. I said 'Boom, this is what we should do.'"

The new campus for the 126 year-old school will include a new academic building that can serve up to 1,800 students, and possibly add 450. There will also be a gym, aquatics center, football stadium and a track. The new campus is scheduled to open at the beginning of 2025.

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