
Killer Mike On Free Speech: "I'm Bound by My Belief in The First Amendment"

Killer Mike On Free Speech: "I'm Bound by My Belief in The First Amendment"

Published Tue, April 18, 2023 at 4:53 PM EDT

Atlanta MC Killer Mike is the keynote speaker at tonight's FIRE Gala in New York City, where he will discuss freedom of speech and its impact on society. Mike spoke recently with Spin about freedom of speech and the First Amendment.

“The moment we get lazy and uncomfortable, and dismiss and diminish things that hurt our feelings, is the moment this country stops progressing to what it could be," he said. “We are here to develop a more perfect union and the First Amendment allows us to do that. I’m bound by my belief in the First Amendment.”

Mike, an outspoken activist and advocate for free speech comes from a family of activists. Mike thanked his mother's civics teacher Ms. Ellison, who later became his teacher as well, for his love of what America can potentially be. "Outside of her class, she taught you love democracy and engage in the three levels of government and have a diehard love for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights."

In the interview, Mike quoted Noam Chomsky, "If you don't believe in freedom of speech for those who you vehemently disagree with, then you don't believe in it at all."

Mike also discussed his belief in "tenements of capitalism" and the fact that you can find common ground with anyone. "I'm from a community where Black people had to use their own dollars to develop their own communities. I saw my grandparents find common ground with others on a daily basis. My grandfather believed like a libertarian that the government should stay the fuck out of our business, while my grandmother was an SCLC member who believed in the tenements of democracy and was a lifelong Democrat."

Check out the Interview above.

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