Ice Cube on his issues with the NBA
Cube has been vocal about his issues with the NBA for a while now, namely criticizing them for their lack of support of his league, The Big 3. On Carlson's show, he said, "The NBA is full of great slogans and they write 'Black lives matter' on the court and they do all things but [they're] pretty full of shit when the rebel meets the road."
Cube was guest on Joe Rogan this summer, and again expressed his discontent with the league's lack of support of the Big 3.
"We are not trying to compete in any way shape or form with the NBA," he said. "We are very complimentary, so I don't understand why they would do some of what they are doing behind the scenes. Encouraging people to not sponsor us and networks not to play us. With those things, we've been able to survive, but at a certain point it's redundant and ridiculous and we have to fight back in some way shape or form."
As for what the NBA has done for the Black community, in 2020, following the murder of George Floyd, the NBA announced it would donate $300 million over the next decade to Black empowerment. Specifically, all 30 NBA teams will donate $1 million each, per year for 10 years. They'll also increase “access and support for high school, college-aged and career-ready Black men and women,” and the foundation will also assist local and national organizations that provide mentorship, training and coaching in NBA markets across the U.S. and Canada. According to Statista, in the 2021/22 season, all 30 NBA teams combined generated revenues of just over $10 billion.