
'Rap Sh!t' "Something For The Gram"

'Rap Sh!t' S1E6 "Something For The Gram" Recap

Published Fri, August 19, 2022 at 12:00 PM EDT

If y’all have been keeping up with RAPSH!T recaps, you already know Shawna and Mia went through a lot of drama and turmoil in the last episode. This week, it seems the mess has spilled over and gotten worse as Mia’s altercation with another woman at the Spotify party is now going viral.

Ronnie, who’s the friend of the girl who was slapped, made a video slandering Mia and Shawna calling them out and asking for an apology from Mia specifically. Everyone in the comments were going in and it seemed to be taking a toll on Mia so much so that she forgot to take her daughter to school. 

Meanwhile, Shawna was on her way to work and got a call from Jill and Bebe asking if she was okay after her public breakup from Cliff on Live. She said they hadn’t spoken since she left New York and apparently he posted a video on his IG story explaining himself but Shawna jokingly compared his statement to a Cory Booker press release. Her friends were worried about her being so nonchalant about the breakup but she confirmed she was totally fine and back on her hot girl sh!t. 

Shawna quickly changed the topic asking Jill if her boss said anything about the slap during the party and she let her know that Spotify wasn’t worried about the altercation as far as Shawna and Mia’s music went, but suggested she let the Ronnie video die down a bit. 

On Shawna’s way to work, she bumped into Maurice and they decided to skip work to go to the beach and met up with some friends. She started to post on her story and got a DM from Cliff who had seemingly been blowing her up and she continued to ignore the messages though she seemed sad about it. 

The sadness only lasted a few seconds though before she decided to rent a jetski with Maurice. They were having an incredible time on the water but then Shawna wanted to drive and after about 10 seconds, she tipped the jet ski and they both fell off, including her phone. 

Back at Mia’s mom’s house, she talked to her mom about the incident at the party in New York but she basically mocked her about the entire situation. Then, as she was about to open up about what else happened to her on the trip, her mom started screaming at her daughter Melissa to get off her rug and Mia got upset, gathered their stuff and left. 

When she got to her own place she called Shawna but her phone was already at the bottom of the ocean so she wasn’t able to answer. While Mia was still on edge about the viral video of her circulating the internet, Shawna was freaking out at the beach once she got back to shore without her phone.  

On the other side of town, Chastity was with her main girl Deja, who was questioning her about Mia and Shawna since Chastity spent all their money on them at the club and they hadn’t called her back since. Chastity explained she was “planting seeds” and it would all work out but Deja had her second guessing herself after claiming she got their song poppin’ and now they’re playing in her face. 

However, Chastity was still in manager mode regardless of what Deja was talking about and when she went to collect the money from a client who had booked her girls, she pitched Shawna and Mia to perform at the man’s event that night. He said he liked their song, but wasn’t willing to pay for them to perform, and Duke worked out a deal with him. 


Shawna and Maurice went back to the Plymouth Hotel after the beach to clean off and ripped a suite key at the hotel. They continued to flirt, play around and got into some hotel robes. Maurice made his first move by kissing Shawna’s neck and after a few neck kisses, she stopped him. But not for long, as she took off her robe, got in the shower and asked him to join her. Sis, was trying real hard to get over Cliff! 

Mia's baby daddy Lamont passed by the house and realized something was wrong when his daughter answered the door. Toys were all over the place and he found Mia in the bed under the covers. He pressed her about being upset over the social media slandering and they talked about everything that was bothering her. Lamont calmed her down and made her some food, and although he doesn’t normally show up for her, he came in right on time this time around. 

After Shawna and Maurice’s rendezvous, they smoked some weed and headed to a restaurant for dinner. Maurice told Shawna he’d buy her a new phone, mentioning that she’ll need one to make future D-appointments with him and she smirked, seemingly approving that she’d make the calls.

Ronnie was back on Live talking about Mia that night and showed his followers that she had DM’d him apologizing for the way everything went down but he wouldn’t accept the apology claiming she needed to make a public statement. So once Shawna got a phone, she joined his Live and told him to back off, even clowning him and his friend in the process. 

Back at Mia’s, Lamont set the table, plated the food and they had dinner as a family. Mia was impressed and appreciated him being there for her. Then things got even better when she checked her phone and saw Shawna on Live with Ronnie. She was immediately relieved and everything was seemingly coming together all at once. 

Lamont left and Mia invited Shawna over her place.

They talked about everything they had missed from that day and Mia was finally able to open up about what happened to her in New York.

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She detailed that the sugar daddy had a key to the hotel and came in with a friend. Shawna began to be very concerned but Mia confirmed nothing happened and she ended up cursing him out but then he put her out. She felt horrible about the situation she put herself in and it was clearly affecting her emotionally, but she saw a bright side to it all. Mia explained to Shawna that she channeled all of her feelings into the music and wrote a song. Shawna loved it, hopped on the beat and just like that, they were back in their bag! 

Shortly after, Chastity stopped by Mia’s house with some food and mentioned that she met with a booking agent to get them their first live performance. Shawna and Mia agreed that if Chastity could actually get them booked for the show, she could be their official manager. They talked about all the things they would need for the performance like new wigs, outfits, and more but Chastity reminded them she wasn’t with a big label. Shawna chimed in saying she could get the money they needed. 

She stepped away from the dining room table to text Maurice about doing another scam to get the money and while she was sending the message, Cliff texted her basically coming clean about Fatima, claiming Shawna was right all along.

The episode went from low vibrations of all the drama carrying over from New York to seemingly ending on a high note with Shawna and Mia back on their grind with Chastity, but the message from Cliff had Shawna right back in her feelings. I’m predicting next week will definitely be one for the books as the season is coming to an end with just two episodes left.

I’m expecting Shawna to take all her anger toward Cliff and use it to level up, right alongside her partner in crime!

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